Save your family time and money with best in class estate organization and settlement tools.
I built QE because I couldn’t watch another grieving family be torn apart, pay massive fees and have the process take forever, when it’s easily avoided.
QuickEstate™ is NOT a Wills kit.
Having a valid Will is the tip of the iceberg in settling an estate; only telling your executor who gets what, when; nothing about what’s involved or how to do the job.
QE is a wealth transition tool that keeps you organized, making estate settlement faster, easier and cheaper, with less risk for your loved ones.
If your advisor has not spoken to you about the QuickEstate Wealth Transition Solution, they should!
Having your affairs in order is the most priceless gift you can leave your family.
Estate planning goes beyond having a Will and some life insurance.
If your affairs are disorganized at death and if your executor has no idea where to start, settling your estate may become a never ending, costly nightmare for your family (with the proceeds going to lawyers and taxes). We can fix that!
Leave your family with fond memories, instead of a big mess.
Eliminate the biggest challenges facing your executor:
- No idea who’s involved
- No idea what’s involved
- No idea where to start
- No idea how to avoid family conflict
Consequences of not using QuickEstate™:
- Permanent destruction of family relationships
- Financial losses on assets and in taxes
- Paying ridiculous legal fees
- Estate takes years/forever to settle
QE Estate Organizer
QE Estate Executor Toolkit
At death, data in the Estate Organizer flows seamlessly into the Estate Executor toolkit, cutting the time, work and costs of settling an estate by at least 50%.
Your Privacy is our #1 Priority
How prepared are you? Take the test.
How prepared are you and how prepared is your family, should death or disability strike tomorrow?
How prepared are you to act as executor for a loved one should they suddenly pass away?
Take our self-scoring tests below. Give yourself one point for each “yes” and take one point away for each “no” to see where you stand.
If you’re not as prepared as you’d like, learn more about how QuickEstate™ can create enduring peace of mind for you and your family.